At the end of January, Pastor Banya and the staff of Blessing Home had a special meeting with the guardians of the children that are sponsored to attend public school. When Blessing Home receives a child, we try to keep them in the home that they are already in, if possible. These guardians are not the parents of the children, but they take care of them with merciful hearts. The purpose of the meeting was to say thank you to these guardians, who have been very good to these children. These guardians are very poor, but they share what they have, and the Blessing Home ministry makes sure they receive education, medical care, food, and Christian nurture.
The older children of Blessing Home make thank you cards to give to their guardians. |
Teacher Pui and TMM missionary Christine Villa are close friends as they work together as staff at Blessing Home. |
These are some of the guardians and older children of Blessing Home (the ones that attend public school now). Not all could attend the meeting. |
Sherri and I are honored to work with people like Pui, who give everything to the Lord and risk everything to save these children. She is truly an inspiration to us.
Naet and Teacher Pui |
So far $123,000 of the $144,000 needed to purchase a building for Blessing Home has been given. In a few weeks, Mike and Sherri will be coming back to the States on itineration to complete the fund raising. Please pray that the funds will come in soon.
If you wish to donate to the Blessing Home building fund, please make sure you designate your gift for the Building Fund.
Send a check in the mail to:
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758
(Please make checks payable to TMM)
Or give online by clicking this link: