Mike preached on Sunday morning at Pradumri Church in Chon Buri and was celebrating with them that they will soon plant a daughter church. Many of those who attend church here at Pradumri are brought in on a bus and driven for a one hour drive to arrive here. The problem that we have had is that there is a limited ability to transport people over such a long distance, so many Christians in Bo Win are unable to come to church for lack of transportation. In several weeks, the believers at Bo Win will have their own church. A building has been rented that is in a corner location at a busy marketplace in Bo Win. Bo Win has a population of over 150,000 people and has no church (The picture shows the vicinity of the city that the church is in, but the city is much, much larger than what is seen here). The United Methodist Church forming here will be the first congregation here. There is much work to be done as we try to remodel the building to make it useable for worship on the first floor and for Sunday School and an apartment for the pastor's family on the second floor. We have to also purchase all the things needed for having a church (songbooks, Bibles, musical instruments, chairs, pulpit, communion table, communion set, and many other needs). We will be meeting a candidate for being the pastor here this coming weekend. He comes with a good recommendation from Dr. Somsak, the president of Payao Bible College here in Thailand, so we believe this will be a good match. Please pray that the Lord will help with all the details involved in starting this new church.