The commissioning service was truly a blessing and we are very excited about leaving for Thailand on October 31st. GBGM highlighted the Commissioning Service on their website http://gbgm-umc.org/global_news/pr.cfm?articleid=4251
and they also wrote a special feature about our mission to Thailand.
It was very special to us that many were praying for us and the mission to Thailand as we were being commissioned. Our special thanks to the Santa Clara UMC for your faithful prayers for us on that night.
After commissioning, we traveled to North Carolina at the invitation of Dr. William Simpson, District Superintendant of the Rocky Mount district. We met with clergy and laity from his district to tell the great news of what the Lord is doing in Thailand. Many of the people who attended this meeting will be arriving in Thailand next month as our first VIM team to ChonBuri. We are truly blessed to have the support of Dr. Simpson and the Rocky Mount District.
We are now at home and will speak at several churches in Kentucky while we do last minute preparations to be in Thailand for 3 years.