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P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758
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Friday, December 04, 2020
We need a miracle
First, an Update on Rachel and Us:
Sherri and I have been overwhelmed with the love and compassion that all of you have showered upon us and our daughter Rachel during the past 5 weeks. Rachel entered Jewish Hospital on October 30 for outpatient surgery to have feeding tubes inserted into her body, but many things went wrong. A few days later, we asked for prayer for Rachel and had a special request for prayers to be sent to her via email. We were flooded with prayers, and we printed them out. There were over 90 pages of prayers for Rachel, and she was encouraged by people cared for her.
On November 16, I sent an update email on Rachel. At that time, Rachel seemed to have several days where she very slowly was turning the corner. She was getting a little bit of nutrition (which is an improvement from none), and her pain levels dropped from 10 to 7. Still very high but still a bit of an improvement.
Shortly after sending out that update, Rachel took a downward turn. She has a systemic Staph infection, she had bad reactions to the liquid nutrition they were pumping into her body and the food pump had to be turned off for several days. And she was getting weaker and thinner.
Today makes 5 weeks that Rachel has been in the hospital. She will have many bad days, and then she will seem to rally for a few days, and then she will sink lower than ever before. On November 23, Rachel tested positive for COVID. Now we cannot be with her and help her. She is alone. She cannot stand without assistance, and when she does, she turns blue and purple from lack of oxygen and must lay down again. She is still not receiving all of the nutrition she needs and is still losing weight. Last week she was at 103 pounds and still dropping. We do not know what she weighs now, but she must be below 100 pounds now. And she still is in pain and her eyesight is being affected too.
We need a miracle. Please pray for Rachel.
Because we were taking care of Rachel in the hospital, we have contracted COVID as well and have been quarantining ourselves ever since we received the news about Rachel testing positive. We have been blessed by many neighbors bringing food and by many people offering help. We are blessed to have moderate symptoms. We are exhausted and it is a bit difficult to breathe but our oxygen levels are high. So, we are taking things at a slower pace and getting rest.
Now, updates about the mission:
Lansaka Church flooding
We have a prayer request from Pastor Sirigorn (who planted the 41st Pioneer Pastor Church in May of this year in Southern Thailand). There is terrible prolonged flooding in Southern Thailand and it is causing suffering which is compounded by the financial devastation that COVID has caused, bringing to a halt the tourism which they depend upon to make a living. Below are some pictures from around Lansaka Church. One is a flooded intersection near the church and the other is a the restaurant/house of one of the new believers that attends the church.
Phase One of the Abundant Life Training Center
Every Christmas, God’s people bless the mission with special offerings to help a specific need. We have had several people contact us to get an update on fundraising for Phase One of the Abundant Life Training Center. We still need $12,000 to reach our goal of $80,000. The land has already been purchased. Now we need the remaining funds to fill up the land by 6 feet of dirt to raise it above flood levels and to build a tall retainer wall around the perimeter. We pray that we receive all of the funds needed this Christmas so we can continue construction now that Dry Season is here. We save a lot of money if we fill the land with dirt now in dry season. Fill dirt is three times more expensive in rain season. So timing is essential.
If the Lord leads you to give to this project, please be sure to designate your gift to the Building Fund.
You can give online at https://thailandnow.org/donate/
Or send a check by mail to:
Thailand NOW, P.O. Box 56, Mannsville, KY 42758