We can always tell that our prayer warriors are lifting this mission before the throne of God because we see the effects here in Thailand.
Sherri presents the Bright Future Savings Group program at Blessing Home. |
Sherri is piloting a new ministry emphasis called "Bright Future Savings Groups" using a program developed by the Chalmers Center. Bright Future groups teach financial and business knowledge and skills while the groups saves money together cooperatively. The program has been proven to be very effective in many nations and we hope to use it here in Thailand to help bring large numbers of Thai Christians out of poverty and debt and onto more solid financial ground. The pilot programs have begun at Blessing Home Ground Zero in Pattaya and Blessing Home Isan in Nonsomboon.
A very pleasant surprise happened in the Bright Future Savings Group at Blessing Home Isan. Many of the adults brought their children and grandchildren to become members of the group so they could learn about finances and develop a "muscle" for saving money. When the children came to the group, we thought they were just accompanying the adults, but then the children signed up and brought forth their money for saving.... and we were thrilled. We are very proud of both groups.
Children and teens at Blessing Home Isan joined the Bright Future Savings Group! |
We will do the pilot program for 15 weeks and then these groups will continue to operate. We will be making any adaptations needed to the program and will then begin to bring this to many other churches. Our hope is to have many Thai trainers that can bring this to the churches throughout Thailand.
We are pleased to report that construction has commenced on the new Blessing Home Ta Phraya Center. It should be complete in four months time. Many Thai Christians from Life Center UMC in Pattaya are coming up to work side by side with the members of Ta Phraya church to build this center. And they are working in brutal heat.... everyday has been above 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the last week or so. The deep commitment of the Thai Christians is inspiring.
All of the digging was done by hand! |
Pastor Banya and members of Life Center UMC form the rebar for the columns. |
Pouring concrete, one bucket at a time! |
Thank you prayer warriors! You are the powerhouse of the mission!