This past weekend was an exciting time for United Methodists in Thailand.
It was the first camp that Thai United Methodists from all churches in Thailand attended. Many traveled for 15 hours or more to get to camp. There have been camps each previous year, but not one that was nationwide.
It was a great pleasure to spend time with United Methodist believers from every church. Truly an encouraging experience for me (Mike) as I was able to see how these believers have become strong Spirit-filled leaders. It is always a spirit-booster to be able to see the fruit of the ministry. All the glory belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ, who changes peoples lives. Praise the Lord!
I do not know the number that attended camp this year and do not want to venture a guess. I will have to ask later, but it was by far the biggest camp ever.
Thai Christians are filled with the joy of the Lord and it shows in their worship, in their fellowship, and in their everyday lives. There were many fun skits and shows and games. The worship was celebrative. The fellowship was sweet.
There were around 20 people baptized at this year's camp, and you see the pictures of the baptismal candidates praying with Dr. Somsak, who performed the baptisms.
At Thailand UMC Camp 2010, we had the privilege of meeting Rev. Cherlue Vang and Mrs. Mang Thao Vang, who are the new GBGM missionaries. Rev. Cherlue Vang is the new National Director for GBGM in Thailand, the position which we held when we were with GBGM. We rejoice in their arrival and for the opportunity to work together cooperatively with them. God will bless their ministry. You can visit their blog at

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Send a check in the mail to:
Thailand NOW
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758
(Please make checks payable to Thailand NOW)
Or give online by clicking this link:
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Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Clergy Stoles
At Annual Conference this year, we sold Thai silk and goods to help support the ministry of the Thailand Methodist Mission, and the response was wonderful. Some United Methodist Women looked at the colorful Thai silk we had for sale with the intention of making clergy stoles as gifts for their pastors. Unfortunately the silk we had was too short to do the job.
In response, in the past several months, Sherri has had many clergy stoles designed from Thai silk in beautiful patterns. These clergy stoles would be unique gifts for pastors and also help support the work of the Thailand Methodist Mission.
Sherri will be selling these clergy stoles and other Thai silk and Thai goods at the Kentucky Conference UMW Annual Mission Celebration at Christ UMC in Louisville on Saturday, October 23rd.
(Sorry, I wish I had a picture of the clergy stoles)
In response, in the past several months, Sherri has had many clergy stoles designed from Thai silk in beautiful patterns. These clergy stoles would be unique gifts for pastors and also help support the work of the Thailand Methodist Mission.
Sherri will be selling these clergy stoles and other Thai silk and Thai goods at the Kentucky Conference UMW Annual Mission Celebration at Christ UMC in Louisville on Saturday, October 23rd.
(Sorry, I wish I had a picture of the clergy stoles)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pastor Tharadon earns his Master of Divinity degree in Bangkok
Pastor Tharadon is a pioneer for the Lord, planting churches in two unreached areas of Thailand. It is difficult work and often lonely, but he has persevered and has even sacrificed time to continue this studies to have the educational qualifications needed to be an Elder in the United Methodist Church. We are very proud of Pastor Tharadon, who has been a good friend and brother to us.
Because of your faithful giving to the Thailand Methodist Mission, this day was possible for Pastor Tharadon. The Thailand Methodist Mission gave a scholarship to Pastor Tharadon so he could pay for his last semester of tuition and graduation fees. Thank you for your generosity that has helped to train a pioneering pastor in Thailand.
God is good!
The sad part of today was that I am sick and cannot travel to attend his graduation. I am very disappointed in not being able to go today. Knowing that Sherri would be in the States, I put off much travel last month so I could be with her. I put the travel off until this month, and have been on the road constantly, since it matters not where I am when Sherri is not here. We must wait until the 25th of October to be together again.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
TMM and St. John's UMC of Aiken, SC will soon open new Youth Mission Center in Nakhon Pithom

God is good! All the time!
It is our Lord who brings fruitfulness to all ministries, and it is to our God that all glory and honor belongs.
St. John's UMC of Aiken has been in a sister church relationship with Nakhon Pithom UMC, which is located west of Bangkok, for the past year. A sister church relationship is beautiful, because both sister congregations receive great blessings from each other.
Pastors Ekerat and Da of Nakhon Pithom UMC told us last month that the place next to the church was vacant and may be available for rent. They wanted to see if there was any possibility to rent it and create a new Youth Mission Center. As I sat with them in front of the church discussing this vision, I saw many children and youth passing by the church. Pastor Ekerat said that the children all live in the nearby slums, and that they walk past the church to go to the internet cafe. In the internet cafe, you see children packed in there. Usually there will be 4-5 children per computer, and one will play games while the other watches. Usually this is because only one child will have the 10 baht (33 cents) to play, but the others enjoy watching.
Pastor Ekerat said, "Pastor Mike, what if we had a mission center here for the youth. We could give free music lessons and we could have a library here too. My wife (Pastor Da) really wants the children and youth to have an opportunity to read good books. These children have no access to reading good books at this time, and it would really help them to have this opportunity. If we had this Youth Mission Center, they would come for the music lessons and the library, and we would have the chance to teach them about Jesus Christ too. They would come to the Youth Mission Center and many would follow Jesus Christ."
When I heard the vision for a Youth Mission Center from Pastors Ekerat and Da, my heart was touched and it was obviously from the Lord. So we began to make plans. When the owner of the building was contacted, we found out that someone had already rented the building, but had not yet placed a security deposit and had not yet arrived. The owner said that at the end of the month of September, if the man who wanted to rent the place did not show up, he would rent it to the church. So we all started praying that the building would be available to the church.
God answered everyone's prayers, and funds that were donated by St. John's UMC was used to pay for a full year of rent as well as the purchase of musical instruments and books and bookshelves. The library is starting out small, but we know bit by bit it will grow.
We hope in the next few weeks to be able to open the Youth Mission Center and I will have pictures then.
There is a mission team that will come from Kentucky, and this location is one of the worksites, where the team will work to paint and spruce up the building which is in rough shape.
We praise God for His great blessings. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, October 02, 2010
New Online Donation Service
The Thailand Methodist Mission has a new online donation service with
Our blog at has a button that you can click on to give online. Of course you can always send a check in the mail to:
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758
The online giving through the TMM website is still not working. We will be renovating the TMM website this month with the help of some people who know what they are doing (meaning someone other than us).
Thank you and God bless you for your faithfulness.

Our blog at has a button that you can click on to give online. Of course you can always send a check in the mail to:
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758
The online giving through the TMM website is still not working. We will be renovating the TMM website this month with the help of some people who know what they are doing (meaning someone other than us).
Thank you and God bless you for your faithfulness.

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