This last Sunday, we worshipped the Lord together with our sisters and brothers at Bowin UMC. This is the first church we helped to plant in Thailand, so this church is extra special to us, and the members seem like old friends who we love to connect with.
After worship, we had a meal together, and one of the dishes was corn. One of the women at the church told us that the corn was raised on the chicken farm that the VIM team from New York built in January. This made us curious to go see the farm, so we went out for a look and were very surprised at how quickly the progressed. The chicken barn is completed as well as the house for the caretakers. Water pipes from the well have been strecthed out across the fields for irrigation, and there are crops of corn and other vegetables. Also the fences have been completely built now and gates have been added. I wish the VIM team from NY could come and see it now!
The chicken farming is going well, but Pastor Jerron says they need more roosters and less hens. We were very encouraged at how quickly this project is helping the church by providing extra income as well as food assistance for those in need.
If you or your church are interested in an development project like this, please e-mail us at thailandumc@gmail.com