It has been a while since we blogged because we have been traveling doing the ministry in Thailand.
This past week, we had the pleasure of serving together with Rich and Betsy Castle, missionaries with Community Bible Study International (CBSI). CBSI is an organization that focuses on making disciples through starting cell groups that provide intensive Bible Study and nurturing spiritual care. CBSI provides digital copies of their high quality Bible Studies free of charge. Please visit their website at http://www.cbsinternational.org/
Rich and Betsy are retirees (Rich served his career in the U. S. Air Force and Betsy is a retired teacher) who come to Thailand 3 months out of the year to serve with CBSI. We traveled together this week through Central, Northeast, and Eastern Thailand to Bangkok, Suphanburi, Nonsomboon, Bowin, and Sriracha. There, church members of the United Methodist Churches as well as pastors and leaders from churches of other denominations gathered to be trained by Rich and Betsy. They did a great job and were well received by the Thai Christians. We are grateful for their ministry, which perfectly fits with the strategy that we use for planting churches in Thailand. We hope to continue working together with Rich and Betsy in the future.
After Rich and Betsy left us, they had meetings in Bangkok that had to be cancelled because of the protests happening there. They are in our prayers.