It has been a long time since we have posted, and we apologize for this. Since we arrived in the States, we have hit the ground running. Also, we have had very limited access to the internet.
We have spoken at 10 churches so far, in California, Kentucky, Connecticut, New York, and West Virginia. We also spoke at mission dinners at both the New York and Kentucky Annual Conferences. We had the privilege of setting up displays at both conferences, and were able to connect with many people. This is our first itineration since being missionaries, and the response of God's people has been wonderful.
It has been a blessing to be with God's people and share what the Lord is doing in Thailand. We have met gracious hosts, generous supporters, a strong prayer warriors during our itineration.
Our spirits have been refreshed!
We will be continuing our itineration, speaking at 50+ more churches as well as a United Methodist Hmong Caucus meeting in Wisconsin. Please pray for our safety as we are constantly traveling. We know people have been praying for us, because God has looked after us. In New York we had car problems. We got into the car one night to get a coffee, when we noticed something was wrong with the car. The front end vibrated terribly and it was difficult to control the car. We went to a service station where they changed the tires and gave the car an alignment. One tire was warped and was worn on one side down to the steel bands. We praised God that the tires did not blow out on the highway. God protects us! God is good!
One thing that was a real surprise was the Missions Faire at the New York Annual Conference. Rev. Joseph Ewoodzie, the dynamic Director of Missions for the NYAC, told us to bring things to sell at the Faire. We brought some things, but was timid on buying too much. Well.... we ended up selling out all of our Thai crafts very quickly. We now have a good idea of what people enjoy buying and would like to do this on a larger scale at many conferences in the future.
At a later date, Sherri will post about this in detail. Mission teams will be asked to bring a spare suitcase to pack as much crafts for sale as possible, and then send them to people who will sell the items at the annual conferences. Other missions, like Bolivia, have a whole network that does this very effectively.
We will be on itineration through August 5th, and then we head back. We know some of our Thai sisters and brothers read this blog, so this message is for you. We miss you very much and you are in our thoughts and prayers. We give special greetings to Pastor Sarah, May the Lord Bless You, Pastor Sarah!