Pastor David Haley led the North Carolina VIM team. They served by conducting Christian art workshops at Pradumri UMC, Bowin UMC, and Prarachagit UMC. In Thailand, Christian art is rare and expensive to the point of being unaffordable for most Thais. This VIM team brought plaster molds and showed the people how to make Christian art for their homes. They also brought woodworking tools and showed them how to make crosses too as well as several other projects. Now all three churches has the resources to make these crafts.
Thai culture places great importance on art. Most Buddhists have their homes filled with beautiful Buddhist art. When these people become Christians, they rid their homes of Buddhist idols and art, and it is important to replace these with symbols that remind them of their faith in Jesus Christ. We thank the NC VIM for helping meet this need.
They also painted the childrens room at Pradumri UMC, and the room is very beautiful now.
We praise God for all who come to minister here in the name of Jesus Christ.