"There is salvation in no one else! There is no other name in all of heaven for people to call on to save them." - Acts 4:12
Perhaps it seems odd to see a photo of a high-rise building posted on our blog... This is the Avana Bangkok Hotel. Even in Bangkok, a city of 11 million people, you can't miss this building if you're on a nearby highway. An incredibly large sign is posted vertically, down the side of the building: I Y JESUS. Yesterday we had the joy of meeting Mr. Trisiripisal (owner of the Avana) and two of his sons. We say 'joy' because Mr. Trisiripisal has a powerful testimony, and because the love of Christ is evident when you meet this man. For over 30 years this man suffered from chronic insomnia. He had 'tried everything' to alleviate his torment; the medical community could provide no relief, nor could spiritists or mediums. Then, one day a friend invited him to 'come along to church with me.' When the pastor gave the invitation, he added the line: "If you trust in Jesus Christ, He will help you." Mr. Trisiripisal decided, "This is a no-lose proposition" and decided to yield his life to Christ. That night was the first night he experienced full and peaceful sleep! The truth of Acts 4:12 was strongly confirmed upon waking - Jesus is not only our Salavation for eternity, but for here & now as well! Since then, Mr. Trisiripisal's wife, 7 children, and their families have all become followers of Christ as well; and this gentleman has become a faithful and mature Christian leader. He is involved with cell groups, (including a 'family cell') and leads Bible studies with his staff, and local Thai business leaders. As Christ's servant he also serves the church at large, by providing hotel discounts to Christian groups / mission teams. So.... if you're ever led by the Lord to do a mission trip to Thailand, and you're going to be in Bangkok, we encourage you to check out the website at www.avanahotel.com when making your rooming arrangements. And if while walking through the lobby,you cross paths with a tall, distinguished looking man with smiling eyes, know that this might be the hotel owner who received the blessings of the One who said, "Come unto Me... and I will give you rest..."
Perhaps it seems odd to see a photo of a high-rise building posted on our blog... This is the Avana Bangkok Hotel. Even in Bangkok, a city of 11 million people, you can't miss this building if you're on a nearby highway. An incredibly large sign is posted vertically, down the side of the building: I Y JESUS. Yesterday we had the joy of meeting Mr. Trisiripisal (owner of the Avana) and two of his sons. We say 'joy' because Mr. Trisiripisal has a powerful testimony, and because the love of Christ is evident when you meet this man. For over 30 years this man suffered from chronic insomnia. He had 'tried everything' to alleviate his torment; the medical community could provide no relief, nor could spiritists or mediums. Then, one day a friend invited him to 'come along to church with me.' When the pastor gave the invitation, he added the line: "If you trust in Jesus Christ, He will help you." Mr. Trisiripisal decided, "This is a no-lose proposition" and decided to yield his life to Christ. That night was the first night he experienced full and peaceful sleep! The truth of Acts 4:12 was strongly confirmed upon waking - Jesus is not only our Salavation for eternity, but for here & now as well! Since then, Mr. Trisiripisal's wife, 7 children, and their families have all become followers of Christ as well; and this gentleman has become a faithful and mature Christian leader. He is involved with cell groups, (including a 'family cell') and leads Bible studies with his staff, and local Thai business leaders. As Christ's servant he also serves the church at large, by providing hotel discounts to Christian groups / mission teams. So.... if you're ever led by the Lord to do a mission trip to Thailand, and you're going to be in Bangkok, we encourage you to check out the website at www.avanahotel.com when making your rooming arrangements. And if while walking through the lobby,you cross paths with a tall, distinguished looking man with smiling eyes, know that this might be the hotel owner who received the blessings of the One who said, "Come unto Me... and I will give you rest..."