Meet Reya Miravalles, Richard Salvo and Faith Etabag, who are members of the Li Happy Methodist Church and they serve faithfully there. They are from the Philippines and they came to Li to work as English teachers at a local school. But God had a larger plan for them, and now they serve the orphans and other children and adults at their church. They serve journeymen missionaries by working a secular job in Thailand and also serving as ambassadors for Christ in a land that needs as many Christian workers as possible. Schools all over Thailand are seeking English teachers, so if you have a B.A. degree in any major, you are very much desired by the schools here. There are many opportunities for Christians to serve as journeyman missionaries in this way, by accepting a teaching job. Serving as a teacher gives a person a mission field to serve in at their school as well as a Methodist congregation here. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact us and we will be glad to help you get connected with a Methodist congregation and also find a job teaching English at one of the local schools.