Prayer Warriors, we have a special opportunity for you to lift to the Lord in prayer. When you pray, mountains move in Thailand.
Please pray for the Santa Clara Korean UMC Mission Team that will be coming to serve with the Thailand Methodist Mission on Feb. 9th. This team will be joining a Thai Christian Evangelism Team to work together to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to Thai people.
The Santa Clara team will be doing the Lion's Club Eyeglass Program, and health checks, and electro-acupuncture, and taking portraits to give to the people who come to the outreaches.
While the people are waiting for the services of the Santa Clara team, the Thai Christian Evangelism Team will share one-on-one about Jesus Christ with everyone who comes. They will also give Gideon New Testaments (Special thanks to the Gideons! We have no idea what we would do without you!)
This team will be in three locations: Blessing Home Ground Zero in Pattaya, God is Good Church in Ban Bueng, and also at Ta Phraya in the Sakaeo province.
Ta Phraya is located right on the border with Cambodia. |
The region in Ta Phraya that the team is going to was evacuated years ago during the Vietnam War and in only recent history has the Thai government been encouraging people to re-populate the land.
There is one church that we have helped to establish in Ta Phraya already, but it needs many more. What makes this a special opportunity is that the region this team is going to has no Buddhist temples. So we can plant churches and there is less resistance because Christians are the first to establish places of worship. So please be praying for this evangelistic outreach in this strategic location.
Pastor Banya (who leads the Life Center UMC and Blessing Home ministry) has travelled early to the region to speak with village chiefs and elders and prepare the way for this outreach. Please also pray for his health, which is fragile.
On a note of praise, we are thankful to the Lord and to His Children who have been generous in giving to the Building Fund. We have received $82,000 of the $110,000 needed for expanding the Blessing Home Ground Zero facility. The goal is getting closer and closer. Please continue to hold this in your prayers as well.