We are sending this bulletin to inform you of an urgent need for support for Blessing Home. Blessing Home is a ministry of Life Center United Methodist Church, which provides food, clothing, education, medical care, and Christian nurture to sixty four children in Pattaya. Pattaya is the epicenter of child trafficking in Southeast Asia, so this ministry seeks to save these children from those who seek to enslave them. Blessing Home is truly a life saving mission center.
In the past, Blessing Home received the majority of its support through your apportionments via the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM). Designated gifts for Blessing Home, with the exception of one large gift from a church in Central Kentucky, have been only a minor portion of the $1,258/month needed to rent facilities, pay staff, purchase food, provide transportation and other services for the 64 children.
Now there is an urgent need. Gary Moon, GBGM missionary in Thailand, has informed us that there are insufficient funds in the GBGM budget in Thailand to fully support Blessing Home. For now, Blessing Home can only count on receiving designated gifts (donations directly to Blessing Home). In an email to us, GBGM missionary Gary Moon said it would be very helpful if the Thailand Methodist Mission (TMM) could raise funds for Blessing Home so “no one falls through the cracks.”
Providentially, TMM had sufficient funds to give the full support of $1,258 for the month of September. However, we need a great wave of generosity from God’s people in order to fully support this ministry. We cannot give money that we do not have. This month, Blessing Home will only receive about $355 from GBGM and must use funds from the limited amount of savings Blessing Home has, to cover the rest of the expenses.
We have been in prayer with Pastor Banya and the leaders of Blessing Home seeking God’s direction. While in prayer, the one thing that God made clear to all was that we cannot let any of these children be released back into the streets without education, without proper nutrition, without supervision, without safety from predators who would enslave them. In fact, the thought of that happening is revolting to us. God made it clear to all that He would provide for the needs of these children through Blessing Home.
So, we need urgent help. We need special offerings at your churches in support of Blessing Home. We need special generous gifts from God’s people who have a heart for these children.
Please send gifts for Blessing Home to the Thailand Methodist Mission. You can send a check in the mail or give online.
Checks can be sent to:
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758
Or give online at http://thailandmethodist.org/
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this request for support.