This new clergy couple, Pastors Da and Akerat, recently graduated from Phayao Bible College and will be serving as associate pastors at Pradumri UMC for the next 6 months. In October, they will plant a new church at Nakhon Pathom, the oldest inhabited city in Thailand, just one hour drive west of Bangkok.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009
Meet Pastors Da and Akerat
This new clergy couple, Pastors Da and Akerat, recently graduated from Phayao Bible College and will be serving as associate pastors at Pradumri UMC for the next 6 months. In October, they will plant a new church at Nakhon Pathom, the oldest inhabited city in Thailand, just one hour drive west of Bangkok.
Advanced Course of Study at Pradumri UMC
This week, we had our first Advanced Course of Study (ACS) classes for United Methodist pastors and interns. ACS are graduate level courses for pastors who have already have a B.A. degree in Biblical Studies or its equivalent. This week we taught courses on United Methodist History and Doctrine. Next month we will teach a course on United Methodist Polity. These three courses are required for all United Methodist pastors across the world. We are teaching these three classes in time for everyone to complete these required courses before Bishop Goodpaster arrives in September to credential and consecrate the Thai pastors.
We are very impressed with the new pastors and interns that started working with us at Pradumri UMC this past week. They have pastor’s hearts, passionate faith, and keen minds. This training was a good time to get to know them and listen to them interact with each other. God is good and has provided for the leadership needs of the
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Meet Pastors Ekerin and Pu
We want you to meet 2 pastors in training at Pradumri UMC. They have recently graduated from Phayao Bible College. Pastor Pu is a young pastor who is a gifted teacher and an accomplished musician (he plays piano, guitar, and drums) Pu will become the pastor of a new church that is being planted in Nakhon Pathom, west of Bangkok. This church will be planted in October.
Their salaries are $300 per month and we need to find churches and individuals to donate for this purpose. If the Lord leads you to help in this way, please make your donations to Advance #00403A and contact us by e-mail at to let us know how to direct your gift. On the front page of the blog in the right column is an article entitled "How to Support the Thailand Mission Initiative" which has complete information on the many avenues for giving and support. Or you can click on this link to go to the article directly
Easter at Pradumri UMC
The members of Pradumri UMC worshipped on Good Friday with a special service that included a feature they did last year. They build a cross and tomb and re-enacted the passion.
Pray for the unity of the Thai people
The protests have been called off for the time being, so that Thai New Year, the Songkran water festival, can be celebrated in peace. Our work will bring us to Bangkok today, so we will check out the aftermath.
Please keep the nation of Thailand in your prayers. There is great division in this nation which can easily escalate, as we saw this last week. May God grant wisdom to the leaders of this nation to find a path to reconciliation and unity.
Tomorrow, we will be working at our home office, and we will make post some pictures and introduce 2 new pastors in training at Pradumri UMC. These pastors will plant new churches in October, and we are privileged to have them work with us.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Blessing Home Pictures
We visit the children at Blessing Home in Pattaya (the United Methodist ministry serving orphans and street children in Thailand) quite often. Teacher Pui does a great job nurturing all 37 children. We receive records of the lessons each child receives each day. They learn to read both Thai and English, as well as simple arithmetic. They receive Bible lessons each day and have a time of singing songs to the Lord each day.
Pictures of English Camp at Nonsomboon School
PART 2: Sometimes we really feel like missionaries
Yesterday, we found ourselves in a context that we never thought we would be in. We were participating in the dowry negotiating ceremony as the "adopted parents" of Allen Metcalf, a missionary teacher at Sammuk Christian Academy. Allen is a member of our home church, College Heights UMC in Elizabethtown, KY. Allen is engaged to marry Jahp, a Thai teacher at Sammuk who is a wonderful young Christian woman.