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We serve with the Thailand NOW

We serve with the Thailand NOW
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Monday, February 14, 2022

Sherri and I are now back in Thailand, PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Sherri and I arrived in Thailand on January 31st and then had to stay 8 days in strict quarantine at a special quarantine hotel.  We were met at the airport by people dressed up in PPE and transported to the hotel in a special quarantine van.  We could not leave our room during the eight days of quarantine, but we were able to use the time constructively to get some rest and to work on projects.  But now we are out and we are at our new home in Buriram province, near where the Abundant Life Training Center is being constructed.

There are so many things to report, and I am not sure where to begin.

1.  First, some news that broke our hearts.  Pastor Ekarin, one of our beloved Pioneer Pastors, passed away last month, leaving behind his wife Pacharee and 3 school age children (the youngest is only six years old).  ThisWe will miss Ekarin's humor and his beautiful singing.  Please keep this family in prayer as they grieve and try to put life back together.  

2.  Pastor Sila and Wassana (in the picture standing in front of their "planning board") and the members of Prasiri Wesleyan Church in Bangkok have been working day and night for the past 2 months.  They have demolished the two homes that they were using as church buildings and then quickly constructing a new church building.  The building is not yet complete, but they at lease can use the building on Sunday mornings for worship.  All of the labor is "in house" and the Lord has miraculously provided all of the materials at deep discounts.  They have not had to buy or lease any tools and equipment, because their neighbors (most of whom are Buddhist) have let them borrow what they needed.  This building is being built at only a third of the cost of what a contractor would have charged!  We praise the Lord for His provision!

3.  Today we are finally bringing in our last load of fill to raise the land (which was previously a very wet rice paddy) for the Abundant Life Training Center.  We have had to have a bit over 2,000 truckloads of dirt to raise the level of the land by 6 feet so it will be well above flood levels.  We are now ready to begin construction on a house for May and Teddy who will serve as Directors of the Abundant Life Training Center as a Pioneer Pastors of the new church which will be planted here (this is an unreached county).

4. The old van that Pastor Somsri was using to pick up families to bring them to church had all broken down and the repairs would cost more than what the vehicle was worth.  They also used the old van to travel with the Pioneer Pastor program, training and mentoring new pastors.  And the financial devastation of Covid had left them unable to purchase another vehicle.  We had the great privilege of buying this Chevy SUV that is in good shape and low mileage too.  We praise the Lord that we have generous sponsors who make the mission possible.

5.  Yes, here is the fundraising chart for Phase 2 of the Abundant Life Training Center.  We received many generous donations, and now we have a bit over $71,000 of the $140,000 needed for to build a church building, a house for the May and Teddy, the directors of the Center, a small office building, and a simple kitchen / restroom facility.

Praise God, we have enough now to build the house for May and Teddy.  We hope to receive more donations between now and Easter so that we can build the church building.

If you want to donate to this project, be sure to designate it for the BUILDING FUND.

Donations can be sent by check in the mail to:

Thailand NOW

P.O. Box 56

Mannsville, KY 42758

OR Give Online at