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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Our 106th New Church Plant (It is the 50th Pioneer Pastor Church, being the first church in an unreached county)

Eighteen years ago, when Sherri and I came to Thailand to serve as missionaries, our mission was to plant churches in unreached parts of Thailand, specifically in counties (sub-districts) that have no Christian churches at all.  Our first church was planted in 2007 in Bowin, a county of 150,000 in population that had no church.  Most of the time, when we plant a church, that church will go on to plant another church (or more) within the first year or two.  Bowin church was no exception, and they went on to plant three more Pioneer Pastor Churches. Grace Church in Nonsomboon (where the Blessing Home Isan Center is located) was one of those three  Now Grace Church has now planted 2 other churches.

Run Now Mission Church is the second Pioneer Pastor church planted by Grace Church and will be led by Pastor Korawit (see his picture below).  Pastor Korawit has moved from the Korat region (where Grace Church is located) to Nakhon Si Thammarat province, far away in Southern Thailand.  Run Now Mission Church is being planted in Tha Ngio.  Tha Ngio is a county of 14,000 people with no Christian church in the county.  

The new church will be named Run Now Mission Church, and we are working in partnership with Think Small organization to start children and youth ministries there.  Pastor Korawit has rented a building that is a quarter mile away from the university.  The left side will be the church building and the right side will be for two businesses so that Pastor Korawit’s family and the church can be self-supporting. 

Pastor Korawit’s business is installing CCTV security systems, remote control gates and doors,  and fiber optic networks.  His wife Pla will operate a food kiosk in front of Pastor Korawit’s business.  Funds from Thailand NOW are being used to rent the building for the next 6-months (to give time for their businesses to set up and become profitable) as well as equipment needed for the church and businesses. 

This church is the 106th church planted through Thailand NOW and the 50th Pioneer Pastor Church.

Please pray for Pastor Korawit and Pla that hearts will be open to Jesus as they share the Gospel with people, the vast majority of whom will hear the Good News of Jesus for the first time.  Please pray that their new businesses will thrive so that they can support themselves in ministry. 

Sherri and I thank you for your prayers and generosity which make all of the ministries of Thailand NOW possible.  You are a vital link in this chain of blessing.

If the Lord leads you to donate...

Checks for Thailand NOW can be mailed to:
Thailand NOW
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758

OR Donate Online at our website >>

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Uniforms for the Blessing Home kids

March is always a great blessing for us, because it is the month the Blessing Home kids get measured for their new school uniforms.   Each teen needs 3 sets of uniforms and shoes (younger children only need two sets), an academic uniform, a scouting uniform - yes, every Thai student is a scout, and a physical education uniform.  These uniforms are required for every student to attend school.

For Sherri and I, seeing our Blessing Home kids in their school uniforms.  These uniforms are a manifestation of how wonderful the trajectory their lives are on because of your generosity that makes this ministry possible.  These children and teens are in school and are not being trafficked!  God is great!  God is good!

(Below is a picture of some of our teens at Blessing Home Isan being fitted for their new uniforms.)

English Camps

For Thai kids, summer break is from the middle of March through the first week of May.  This is the time that many of our churches do English Camps.  You would call it Vacation Bible School, but we call it English Camp because every parent wants their children to learn English because it is the language of international commerce, and being fluent in English opens many doors of opportunity.  At English Camp, they hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and worship the Lord, they learn English with fun games and songs, and eat good food and snacks.  

Below is a picture of children at the Chaiyaphum outreach (which is a location where we are planting a new Pioneer Pastor Church and a new Blessing Home Center) enjoying a game together.  

Our pastors are very busy during this time, because they will usually do at least two of these camps, one at their own church and another at a location (like Chaiyaphum) where there is no church.  Most Thai churches connected with Thailand NOW go on to plant at least one or two other churches, and these English Camps are one way that they use to evangelize and make disciples of Jesus Christ.  


Songkran is the Thai New Year celebration and it was celebrated on the weekend of April 13-14.  During Songkran, most shops and businesses are closed so that everyone can travel to be home with extended family.   Usually when tourists think of Songkran, they think of children and adults wearing vibrant colored flowery shirts having fun out on the streets tossing water on each other.  But Songkran was not always celebrated in this raucous manner.   Songkran was originally a time for young people to bless their elders.  

In the Thai churches, we celebrate Songkran in a beautiful way from their tradition.  The elders will sit while the young come and kneel and pour flower scented water on the hands of the elders, as a sign of gratitude (many times this evokes tears of joy which are contagious).  Then the elder will lay their hands on the younger person and give a word of blessing.  This is truly a magnificent custom.

If the Lord leads you to donate...

Checks for Thailand NOW can be mailed to:
Thailand NOW
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758

OR Donate Online at our website >>

Thursday, March 07, 2024

2 New Church Plants and Training Center Update

Praise God!  Great is the Lord!  We want to some wonderful recent victories to share.

First, there are two new church plants happening this month. 

  • Please pray for Pastor Gorowit as he is moving his family to the far South to Nakhon Si Thammarat province.  This region is still majority Buddhist but has a significant Muslim minority.  Please pray for hearts to be open to the Gospel.  This is the 105th church planted through Thailand NOW.
  • Please pray for Pastor Sunan, a veteran church planter, who will be planting a Pioneer Pastor Church in an unreached county called Pru Yai which is in Korat.  Pru Yai county has over 10,000 souls and now there will be the first church in history in that county.  This church is called Trinity Church, and Pastor Sunan already has a group of Christians who will be going there with him.  This is the 49th Pioneer Pastor Church, meaning a church planted in a county that had no Christian churches.  
All Pioneer Pastor churches are self-sufficient.  Pastor Sunan has leased a very large building that the owner is allowing us to use for a very modest price.  It is a two-story commercial building that has many classrooms (both large and small) plus a large room that is ideal for a sanctuary for worship.  Teacher Palm, a member of Trinity Church, will be starting a language school at this facility, and the profits from the language school will pay for the rent of the building.  Through your generosity, we have been able to help with startup costs for this church.

Below are pictures of the building from the outside and the entrance.

Below are pictures of  1. Pastor Sunan by one of the many smaller classrooms on the first floor.  2.  One of the large classrooms. and 3.  The large room that will be the sanctuary.

Please pray for success for the language school, and that Pastor Sunan will make many new disciples of Christ.

Second, we have more progress on the construction of the Abundant Life Training Center.

We have now received $32,150 of the goal of $47,000 needed for Phase Three of the construction (this will be for six large air conditioners for the sanctuary, installation of 220 Volt, 3-Phase commercial electricity (installing a large transformers and poles to distribute electricity across the campus), as well as a security wall around the perimeter of the Abundant Life Training Center.  $14,850 is still needed to complete this phase.  If you want to donate towards the construction of the Abundant Life Training Center, please designate your gift to the Building Fund.

This next week, the kitchen and restrooms building, which is behind the large sanctuary, will be complete.  Below are some pictures.

The only thing left is to install the water filtration system and some painting on the outside.  Also, we have ordered the air conditioning units, and those units will not arrive from the factory until April.  These are special 3-phase units that will be more efficient than single phase.  

If the Lord leads you to donate...

Checks for Thailand NOW can be mailed to:
Thailand NOW
P.O. Box 56
Mannsville, KY 42758

OR Donate Online at our website >>